Wildlife Surveys
We undertake a lot of different ecological surveys including surveying and monitoring for:
– Wildflowers
– Dormice
– Barn owls
– Great crested newts and other amphibians
– Reptiles
– Invasive Non-Native Species
MVCP staff are experienced and fully licensed to survey for Dormice, Great Crested Newts and other wildlife. Survey’s are funded via various means and usually linked to landowner involvement. Our surveys can help us write management plans and provide advice on the sites habitats, they also help us, and landowners, understand current conditions at a variety of sites.
Another long and ongoing survey we are involved in is funded by the Zoological Society of London. We are part of the eel surveying and monitoring project and run our elver survey at Allington Lock with the help of volunteers. In addition, with Environment Agency funding in 2023/24 we are also investigating, with the help of the South East Rivers Trust and the ObstacEELS method, the barriers to eel migration along the Wateringbury Steam and the River Bourne. If you’d like to volunteer to help, please get in touch.
To discuss a wildlife survey, please email medwayvalley@kent.gov.uk or call 03000 422997.