Team photo

Volunteering Opportunities

For more information, please watch this Kent Environment Strategy video which highlights the MVCP TAG team. Then read on for more information on our volunteering opportunities.

The Medway Valley Countryside Partnership (MVCP) currently supports over 40 volunteers through a range of volunteering opportunities.


River Warden Volunteers help us to keep the river paths clean and safe by regularly walking a set route and collecting litter. The River Wardens are our eyes and ears on the ground. They report pollution and fly-tipping, note wildlife sightings and collect litter.

The River Warden Volunteers work when they can so this volunteering opportunity is great for people with less time to commit to volunteering.

River Warden volunteers help to record and survey for invasive non-native plants and collect litter along the rivers tow paths. With internal and external training opportunities, equipment such as gloves, bin bags, litter pickers and T-shirts provided, and with volunteer social occasions in the summer and at Christmas as a thank- you, the volunteers are fully supported by MVCP staff.

If you are interested in becoming a River Warden please contact


Our Award Winning Thursday Action Group (TAG) are another essential part of of the MVCP’s work.  The Thursday Action Group Volunteers help staff to deliver important conservation projects across our area. Projects are varied in type and location, and include pond creation, building woodland steps and paths, wildlife gardening, hedge laying, tree planting, seed collecting and much more.

Both TAG days involve plenty of tea and camaraderie so if you are interested in joining the Tuesday/Thursday group please contact on 03000414842.


Medway Valley Countryside Partnership offer work placement opportunities for school, college, undergraduate or graduate students. Please contact us for more information.

Call us if you would like to talk about joining any of our volunteering opportunities – 03000 414842 or Email:

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